ATA GDO2V5 Manual 1


1. Plug the drive unit power cord into mains power point and switch power on.

2. Check that the door is in the closed position. If not close it by hand.

3. Set lever on the trolley to engage position. (FIG 4)
NOTE: Initially door will not be moving until chain index engages itself into the shuttle.

4. Depress open green button 11 and hold it on until the door reaches the open position. (FIG. 15).
WARNING: Obstruction detection (safety reversing system) is inoperable when open drive and close drive buttons are used. When the doors desirable open position is reached, release button and door will stop. Turn open limit adjustment screw 9 in anti clockwise direction till green light indicator 12 comes on. (FIG. 15)

5. Depress close red button 3 and hold it on till the door reaches the desirable close position, then release the button and the door will stop. Turn the limit adjust screw 8 in clockwise direction till the red indicator 4 comes on. (FIG. 15).

6. Now to check the limits set, press the open green button 11 to open the door and the close red button 3 to close the door. (Do not use the open/close/stop button) If not fully satisfied, turn the close or open limit adjustment screws 8 and 9 in desirable direction. As a reference 1/8 of a turn of limit adjust screw changes travel of trolley by 10 mm when 9 teeth sprocket is used and 8 mm when 7 teeth sprocket is used. For selection of sprockets see Step 2.